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Video of 3 Instances Where Acts of kindness and Compassion Emerged During Anti-finance Bill Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

President William Ruto bowed to the demands of Kenyans and declined to assent to the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

This decision came after nationwide protest that resulted in over 25 fatalities and numerous injuries, including police officers and protestors.

Despite the widespread chaos, moments of humanity and compassion emerged, showcasing the resilience and unity of Kenyans during this turbulent times.

Kenyans helping each other during the protest

Protesters risk their lives to assist stranded woman:

At number one is a heart-stopping moment, a protester risked his life to assist a lady in catches caught in the chaos at Kencom building in Central Business District.

As the police dispersed the crowd with teargas, the man noticed her struggling and shielded her from the stampede, leading her to safety despite the suffocating teargas. Watch the video on:https://www.instagram.com/_u/ondivow_p

Journalist defend protester:

NTV reporter ibrahim Karanja displayed remarkable courage when he intervened to protect a protestor from the police display.

Karanja confronted the police about assaulting the protestor, creating a tense exchange but ultimately standing to his ground ensuring the protester's safety. Watch the video on: https://www.instagram.com/_u/ntvkenya/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=9ceaa0d9-79a9-4eb4-9b8c-15bec6ce2cd.

Kenyans rescue an injured officer:

In the last video, Kenyans who were watching the clashes between protestors and police rushed to rescue a police officer who fell off from a moving police vehicle.

The police had been overwhelmed and took off. In the back of the vehicle, a teargas carnister went off, making the back of the truck uninhabitable and forcing the officer to jump off.

The officer landed on his front side leaving him injured. Kenyans watching from a far rushed to the scene and helped him get back on his feet. Watch the video on:https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrhJwmdb/

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