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Nigerian Woman’s Face Swells to Size After Catfish Meal: Social Media Reacts

opera.com 1 day ago

In an astonishing turn of events, a Nigerian woman identified as @miss_arhaan took to social media to reveal a severe allergic reaction that caused her face to swell dramatically after eating catfish. Unaware of her allergy to the protein, she was met with a shocking transformation when she awoke with her facial features grossly enlarged.

According to @miss_arhaan, the allergic reaction began the day after she consumed the catfish, leading to an alarming swelling of her face. She shared images online that highlighted the drastic difference between her normal appearance and the aftermath of the reaction. In an attempt to alleviate the symptoms, she posted a picture of herself applying an unknown ointment to her face.

The post garnered a wave of reactions from the online community, many of whom were stunned by the severity of her condition. @Innie023 expressed disbelief, saying, "Jesus. She almost turned to the catfish. Omo!!" The incident underscored a broader issue, with @RespiratoryDafe noting, "Allergy is one of those things we don’t talk about in Nigeria. Think about people in jail or called witches simply cos someone ate in their house, had allergy to something in the food, got anaphylaxis, and passed. On the brighter side of this, she knows not to eat catfish again."

Some users speculated that the reaction might have been caused by an ingredient used in preparing the fish rather than the catfish itself. @HonestinaOfoha suggested, "Surely Not The Catfish, But One Particular Ingredient Used in Preparing The Fish, The Ingredient Might Contain a Particular Substance Extracted From Something You’re Actually Allergic To." This incident prompted a broader discussion about the prevalence and awareness of allergies, with @rosythrone adding, "How many of us that still don’t know what we’re allergic to, that’s if we even have self??"

This unexpected event has sparked a crucial conversation about the importance of understanding and identifying allergies, especially in regions where such health issues are not frequently discussed. Below are the striking before-and-after images shared by @miss_arhaan, capturing the dramatic effects of her allergic reaction.https://www.tori.ng/news/272749/lady-shares-the-after-effect-of-her-allergic-react.html

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