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"Focus on economic transformation leave Raila Alone" Kenyans React after Mudavadi said this

opera.com 2024/10/7

In a surprise move, Kenyan politician Musalia Mudavadi has publicly come out in support of Raila Odinga, the current president of Kenya. Mudavadi, who was previously part of the Kenya Kwanza political alliance that opposed Odinga, urged "fellow EAC ministers to support this visionary and transformative leader, to champion Africa's integration, growth and prosperity."

Mudavadi's statement has sparked intense reactions from Kenyans, who are closely watching the shifting political dynamics in the country. Many were caught off guard by Mudavadi's endorsement of Odinga, given their previous political rivalry. This move seems to signal a significant realignment within Kenyan politics.

"It's quite remarkable to see such a high-profile figure like Mudavadi break ranks with his former allies to back Odinga," said political analyst Emma Wanjiku. "This suggests that Odinga's leadership is gaining more widespread support, even from unexpected quarters."

The implications of Mudavadi's support for Odinga remain to be seen, but it is clear that Kenyan politics is in a state of flux. As the country navigates its path forward, observers will be closely monitoring how this unexpected alliance between former rivals shapes the political landscape in the coming months and years. What are your thoughts on his?

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