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Love is painful especially when you love someone who is not with you because of love

opera.com 5 days ago

I have always known that love is happiness, exploring together with your partner, sharing things and living together. I knew that once you get a partner he is all yours forever but I was so wrong.

My name is Becca when I finished highschool I thought that now it was the best time to have a relationship once I join college. I was 20 years old when I joined college, I keep it in mind that I won't rush in finding a partner. I knew he will come at God's time.

I started my classes in college and I really enjoyed it, being to a school without wearing uniform , attending classes by your choice and teachers teaching and talking to students decently without hurtful words coming out of there mouth like highschool teachers do, was just interesting.

On day when I attended a class, we were new to each other as classmates and we didn't know each other well. I was sitting silently on the chair waiting for a teacher to come for the lesson, a boy came and set on the chair that was Infront of me and he was staring at me so much. Looking at that boy he just seemed just okay by looks,though he didn't talk to me.

When the class was over we all parted. After some days I sow him in the class again. He approached me and asked me to walk with him as we go to our apartment,though I refused. Later on the second day I got his sms asking me to approach him he was sitting in front of me outside with his friends I just replied jokingly and left.

As I was at my apartment I started thinking about him and said to my self, "why shouldn't I just give him a chance, he is okay and a good person".

I waited for him to approach me again which he did, then he told me that he is coming to teach me TD at my apartment so that I may not be finding it difficult.I found it so interesting since it was the best time to get to know him.

He came we learnt TD, shared stories and our bond grew bigger and bigger since that day. We started going to class together and walking back to our apartments together.

I asked my friend if I am dating a good person and not some asshole who just want to use me. She told me the gay is good. Her words made me to feel good and continue with our relationship.

I felt like he really loves me. We used to have sleepovers, eat together and spend alot of our time together, I was so happy and thanked God for him. I just knew deep down in my heart that nothing can ever separate us.

Holidays was starting and we needed to part ways and go home to stay with our parents. I went home and he went to his home away from ours we did phone relationship for like one month then he started being weird.

He stopped texting back sometime nor call. After insisting him to tell me what is going on I received a message saying, "leave my man alone". I decided to seek for explanation though he blocked me in the process.

The holiday was over and we were expected back to college. I went earlier than the actual date that we were supposed to open. I stayed at my apartment stressed out wondering what happened with him that made him to leave me.

On his day of reporting back to college he came at my apartment and gave me whatever he had that was mine. On the account of asking him for the explanation of what happened, he answered me, "didn't you understand the message? You should know I have a wife and a kid, just live your life and leave me alone", then he walked away. I stayed there shocked crying not knowing what to say I felt betrayed and used.

After some times I realized he lied to me and that he had no kid nor a wife. I approached him and asked him why he lied to me. I demanded to know why he left me. He couldn't tell me anything he just asked me to have a heart of forgiving and that I should not be mad at him.

I got stupid and we started seeing each other again, but this time I felt like his love was not enough and that he doesn't love me more like he used to. By going through his phone I realized he had 2 other girls.

I did my investigation and found out that I was right I felt so bad and decided to leave him. He was just not good for me and I deserved better. Though my heart was afraid for loving again. I just knew that when I love again I may get disappointed. It's now 2 years later and I still haven't loved anyone like I loved him I am also afraid that I may not love the same way again. I just hope one day God will give me a partner who will love me and I will love him to very much.

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