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President Ruto Promises Transformation of Kenya Amid Recent Challenges

opera.com 6 days ago

President William Ruto announced on Sunday that the country is poised for significant changes due to recent developments.

Speaking during a Sunday service at PEFA Ilkarian Church in Narok County, Ruto stated that Kenya's growth trajectory is becoming more defined with increased citizen involvement.

"Our country will change, I promise you. What you are seeing now is part of the process of reforming the country," Ruto declared. He attributed the current political climate to previous inaction by Kenyans and their reluctance to make decisions that drive progress.

The President urged Kenyans to maintain peace and avoid violent acts, looting, and loss of lives while expressing their grievances. "All I am asking is that Faith Leaders and all Kenyans pray for Kenya and be peaceful.

Let us not accept violence, looting, and the loss of lives," Ruto implored.

Ruto highlighted the government's achievements, citing the drop in fertilizer prices, gains recorded by the Kenyan shilling, and low interest rates as indicators of Kenya's positive growth trajectory.

He emphasized that the government, particularly under Kenya Kwanza, is actively transforming the country.

Additionally, Ruto assured Kenyans that any challenges would be resolved through collaboration with relevant parties.

His statements followed the announcement of the creation of a National Multi-sectoral Forum (NMSF), which aims to initiate dialogue with Kenyan youth.

State House Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei initiated the process on Saturday by issuing a letter explaining the government's plan to engage various stakeholders in dialogue.

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