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Mike Sonko’s Daughter Sets High Standards: “No Broke Men Allowed”

opera.com 3 days ago

The daughter of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has made headlines with her candid remarks about dating and relationships. In an Instagram Live session, she addressed potential suitors, leaving no room for ambiguity.

“Maintaining me is hard work,” she asserted, her tone unapologetic. “If you wanna be with me, know what you’re doing.” Her words resonated with viewers, sparking a mix of admiration and debate.

The daughter, whose name remains undisclosed, minced no words when it came to financial compatibility. “I cannot date a broke man,” she declared. “I have standards, and I won’t compromise.” Her stance reflects a growing sentiment among young women who prioritize financial stability and ambition in their partners.

Adding to the intrigue, she revealed that she would introduce only one man to her father. The identity of this fortunate suitor remains a mystery, but speculation abounds. Social media users have already begun speculating about potential candidates, analyzing her circle of friends and acquaintances.

The hashtag #SonkosDaughter trended on Twitter as netizens shared their thoughts. Some applauded her confidence, while others criticized what they perceived as elitism. The debate spilled over into Facebook groups and WhatsApp chats, with opinions sharply divided.

As the daughter of a prominent politician, she faces unique challenges in her pursuit of love. Balancing personal desires with public scrutiny requires resilience and discernment. Whether her high standards will lead to lasting happiness remains to be seen.

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