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Robber who conspired with his gang to rob, kill tricycle rider lands in police net

opera.com 2024/6/30

A robber who conspired with another member of his gang to rob and kill a tricycle rider has been arrested by men of the Niger State Police Command while the other gang member is currently at large, the command announced on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

The state police command announced the arrest on its Facebook wall, saying the robber, whose name was given as Zingfa Nambon, was picked up by operatives attached to the Bosso Division following information received about the attempt to kill the rider.

The arrested robber, as posted by the state police command on Thursday.

According to the information received, the tricycle was boarded around Airport Road, Maikunkele, by two persons later identified as Zingfa Nambon and Francis Moses. On getting to a point along the Airport Road, they forcefully tied the tricycle with a cable wire, with the intent to kill him and take the tricycle away.

The command wrote: "The victim was pushed out of the tricycle and they made away with it. Zingfa said that the tricycle was taken to Abuja and Francis gave him N400,000, as Francis disappeared to an unknown destination with the tricycle.

"In the course of the investigation, Zingfa was arrested along Maikunkele road, and he confessed to the crime. He was arrested with various blank tricycle receipts and cable wire."

The command added that he had given more useful information about the activities of the robbery gang while he is expected to be charged to court at the conclusion of the investigation.

Also, a manhunt had been launched for the arrest of Francis Moses in connection with the matter.

Below is the screenshot of the post by the state police command on the issue:

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