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Gen Z Issue Ultimatum to US Govt

opera.com 2 days ago

Kenyans living in United States have issued ultimatum to US government to immediately recall Ambassador Meg Whitman.

They accuse Whitman of trying to legitimize President William Ruto's government.

Photo: Ruto and Whitman at State House


They also urged Kenya's young population to give President William Ruto's approach to solving their issues a wide berth.

The asked the Head of State to also address the demands raised by the youths who took to the streets over the contentious Finance Bill which has since been withdrawn.

Gen-Z had demanded that the Kenya Kwanza administration should cut down on corruption and spending within the government.

Ruto on Sunday declared that the country was set to experience a change owing to recent developments.

Speaking during a Sunday service at PEFA Ilkarian Church in Narok County, the President stated that Kenya’s growth trajectory was taking shape following citizenry involvement.

The President, however, urged Kenyans to maintain peace and shun violent acts that resulted in looting and the loss of lives while airing their grievances.

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