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Ruto Unveil Harsh Reality about State of Kenyan politics.- MPs Elected on Money Rather Than Ability.

opera.com 4 days ago

President Ruto unveiled a harsh reality about the state of Kenyan politics. He noted that a significant amount of money is poured into electing Members of Parliament in Kenya, leading to a system where individuals are elected based on their resources rather than their ability to make a positive impact on the country.

President Ruto's candid remarks shed light on a long-standing issue within the Kenyan political landscape. It has become increasingly common for individuals with substantial financial backing to secure parliamentary seats, despite possessing limited qualifications or experience in public service.

This system of "money politics" has created a cycle where well-connected and wealthy individuals consistently dominate political positions, while potentially more capable candidates are sidelined due to a lack of financial resources.

The President's comments have sparked a debate among Kenyan citizens, with many expressing frustration and disillusionment with the current state of affairs. The electorate is left wondering whether their elected representatives truly have their best interests at heart, or if they are simply serving the agendas of special interest groups and individuals with deep pockets.

As President Ruto aptly pointed out, this system ultimately results in a government that may not effectively represent the needs and desires of the people. Instead, it perpetuates a culture of corruption, cronyism, and incompetence within the government.

Moving forward, it is clear that significant reforms are needed to address the disparities and inequalities that characterize the current political landscape in Kenya. By promoting transparency, accountability, and merit-based selection processes, the country can work towards a more inclusive and representative government that truly reflects the will of the people.

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