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Israel Destroys Gaza’s Last Remaining Rocket Factory; All Large Rocket Production Site Wiped Out-IDF

opera.com 2 days ago

According to Israel Radar's announcement on their verified Twitter account, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have successfully destroyed the last remaining rocket production facility in Gaza, located in Rafah. This operation marks a pivotal moment in Israel's ongoing efforts to dismantle Hamas' rocket manufacturing infrastructure.

According to IDF intelligence, this recent strike eradicates the final large-scale rocket production site operated by Hamas in Gaza. Over the past months, the IDF has systematically targeted and eliminated multiple sites across the region, significantly diminishing Hamas' ability to produce and launch rockets. These operations are part of a broader strategy to neutralize threats and enhance security for Israeli civilians.

The destruction of the Rafah facility represents the culmination of these efforts, effectively wiping out all major rocket production capabilities within Gaza. The IDF's coordinated intelligence and precision strikes have proven instrumental in achieving this goal.

However, while the elimination of these large sites is a significant achievement, IDF officials caution that the threat is not entirely neutralized. Hamas may still rely on smaller, less detectable workshops scattered throughout Gaza to produce a limited number of rockets. These makeshift facilities, often hidden within civilian areas, present a continuing challenge for Israeli forces.

The IDF remains vigilant, employing intelligence and surveillance to identify and target these smaller workshops. The ongoing conflict underscores the complexity of achieving long-term stability in the region. 

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