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The North Voted For Olusegun Obasanjo, When He Was Going, He Returned Power To Them -Shehu Sani

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Senator Shehu Sani discussed political power rotation in Nigeria, noting that the North supported Olusegun Obasanjo during his presidency, and after Obasanjo's tenure, power was handed over to a Northern candidate.

Sani noted that deviating from the rotation arrangement in the 2015 election led to the People's Democratic Party's (PDP) defeat.

He believes Atiku Abubakar could become president but emphasized it should be after the South completes its eight years in power.

Shehu Sani's discussion was based on how power moved right from Obasanjo to a northerner and how he believes Atiku can still be President.

In his words, he said, "The North voted for Obasanjo and when Obasanjo was going, he returned power to Northern Nigeria and the attempt to breach the rotation formula in 2015, caused the PDP to be out of power. So, to me, I believe that Atiku can be president, but it is after the South has finished their eight years."

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