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The CJN Has Sadly Elevated His Daughter-in-law, After Elevating His Son – Martins Obono

opera.com 2024/6/2

In a recent statement, Martins Obono, a Lawyer and Executive Director of Tap Initiative, has spoken out against what he perceives as nepotism within the judiciary, particularly concerning recent appointments by the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN).

During an interview with Arise TV, Obono expressed his concerns regarding the CJN's decision to promote his daughter-in-law following the recent elevation of his son.

"The judicial code of ethics has clearly stated that in carrying out administrative functions as a judge, you should not be nepotistic in your dealings."

"The CJN has sadly elevated his daughter-in-law, after elevating his son," Obono lamented.

The controversy surrounding judicial appointments has brought debate over the integrity of Nigeria's legal system and the importance of upholding ethical standards within the judiciary.

Obono's statements reflect general concerns about transparency, fairness, and accountability in the appointment and promotion of judges, particularly at the highest levels of the judiciary.

Watch the video here, starting from 00:25: https://twitter.com/ARISEtv/status/1791780930727633349?t=EP1f5nBejotvjXDcaZP4QQ&s=19

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