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President Ruto Speaks On Calls to Remove Housing Levy As Protest From Gen Z's Mount

opera.com 2024/10/6

The housing levy problem has now come up for His Excellency William Ruto to address in the middle of the continuing countrywide protests that have turned into widespread property looting.

The protests started out with the slogan "Ruto must go," but they have subsequently changed to one in which Gen Z is demanding that Ruto step down because they no longer trust his leadership.

William Ruto has stuck to his position on the housing levy, saying that they have made great progress and that giving up is not an option, despite the pressure from protestors. This happened in response to demonstrators who said that the 1.5% housing charge was too onerous on paid workers in light of the rapidly rising cost of living. Ruto admitted that a lot of people are critiquing him and calling for the elimination of the housing levy.

He went on to say that he anticipates these detractors asking how the levy may be used to accomplish more. The Chief Hustler emphasized that this program was one of many employed to create progress in Singapore, a developed nation.

"We ought to ask ourselves what more we can accomplish with the housing levy rather than advocating for its repeal. About the housing levy, a lot of people are hitting me. That's how Singapore got to where they are," he remarked.

Over 100,000 housing units are currently planned statewide, according to CS for Land Alice Wahome, who made this statement yesterday in Nairobi's South B. She emphasized that these projects would become unfeasible if the charge were discontinued, resulting in the waste of tax payer money and idle capital.