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Ondo: You have a new candidate; If I can say, his emergence has a hand of Gid in it — Damagum

opera.com 2 days ago

According to Vanguard, The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has expressed strong confidence in its prospects for the upcoming governorship elections in Edo and Ondo states, suggesting that it will be challenging for the All Progressives Congress (APC) to secure wins in these regions.

Speaking during the inauguration of the PDP National Campaign Councils for the elections in Abuja, the party’s acting national chairman, Umar Damagum, highlighted the solid foundation laid by their candidates, particularly in Edo State, where Governor Godwin Obaseki's efforts have bolstered the party’s position.

He praised Governor Obaseki’s performance, which he believes sets a strong precedent for the upcoming election. "We have done so well in Edo State. We thank the governor. We are very proud of him. Our records in that state speak volumes," Damagum said.

Turning to Ondo, Damagum encouraged the electorate to seize the opportunity to instigate positive change. He acknowledged past mistakes but expressed confidence in the renewed commitment of the people and the new candidate’s capability. "You have a brand new candidate, who is so much endowed with wisdom. If I can say, his emergence has a hand of God in it," he remarked.

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