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It Was Not Accidental Abacha Died, Neither Was it Accidental That They Sacrificed MKO- Ayo Opadokun

opera.com 2 days ago

Among other things, Ayo Opadokun—the National Democratic Coalition's Secretary-General—discussed what happened during the pro-democracy struggle in 1993. He insisted that Abacha's violent death and the sacrifice of MKO Abiola, which occurred less than a month after Abacha's death, were not coincidental. They were able to send the troops back to the barracks, he added, after a massive battle broke out over the entire matter.

It was not a coincidence that Abacha died the manner he did, and it was also not a coincidence that they sacrificed Chief MKO Abiola so soon after Abacha's death, according to an interview with Ayo Opadokun published in The Punch News. It sparked a massive conflict. However, we were successful in returning the troops to their barracks. But I'll argue it was on their terms because, as part of his transition programme, General Abdulsalami Abubakar urged Nigerians to organise into political parties and run in an upcoming election once he took over from Abacha.

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