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Jeremiah Kioni Reveals The Real Financiers Of Gen Z Demos After He Was Mentioned As A Financier

opera.com 2 days ago

Jubilee secretary General Jeremiah Kioni who was recently accused of being one of the financiers of the recent demos has opened up. The former Mukurweini lawmaker has said that the financiers of the recent demos are the parents of Gen Z.

This comes after the government linked him, Mike Sonko and 4 others as the main financiers of Gen Z demos that caused destruction, mayhem and loss of lives in the city and other parts of Kenya.

Here are the reactions from Kenyans:

"It's high time Kenya to unite, this time round not about opposition,Azimio or gen z but we have one voice against voices of betrayal of this nation. Whether gen z work together with opposition it matters alot." Shadrack James said.

"No, sponsor wetu ni Ruto na hiyo Serekali yake yenye sera ya kuoza na kufinya maslahi ya wanainchi 🙄" Nyale said.

"The guilty are always afraid.even coffins were bought by parents." Paul Siele said.

"Correct answer, repeat for them that answer plz." Pree Odero said.

"A stick is very important when you want to cross the river but when you cross you throw the stick away and forget 💔 that's how Raila forgot how Ruto helped him 😠" Isabella said

"Respect us parents nobody is holy amongst all politicians." Faith Kiki said

"Can someone get me a neck like that of kioni strong enough to carry a shell full of nothing." Kip Langat said

"I don't like this guy 😜 this forces me to dislike his message" Wainaina said.

"Which sane parent can buy his/her children coffins ⚰️ to carry along the streets ?????" David Tanui said

"How old are you if I may ask?You reason worse than a kindergarten kid." Jumapili Joseph said.

"Yani in the region of Mount Kenya we only have hecklers pretending to be leaders in waiting? The mountain is falling." Jackson Omondi said.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/100064288795404/posts/pfbid0bhMy8L8Vjfirj4FUEEKZsEsMM5pCBcBxAzWZS772cx6Q6UeWqp2tFUhssP2TSNaJl/?app=fbl

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