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Rivers Women Unite For Peace: Calling For An End To Political Crisis

opera.com 3 days ago

Concerned women in Rivers State have come together under the banner of Rivers Women Unite for SIM (RWUS) to call for a ceasefire in the ongoing political crisis in the state and to advocate for peace and unity among all parties involved.

According to a report by The Nation News, the women, representing all 23 local government areas of the state, gathered at the Ministry of Women Affairs in Marine Base Port Harcourt for a prayer session dedicated to seeking peace for Rivers State.

During the prayer session, the women expressed their deep concern about the current political tensions and chaos in the state, which they attributed to detractors and hired hoodlums.

They called on all parties involved to lay down their arms and embrace peace for the greater good of the state.

The women emphasized the impact of political conflicts on women and children, who often bear the brunt of such crises.

The women praised the efforts of Governor Siminalayi Fubara in maintaining peace and stability in Rivers State despite various provocations.

They commended the governor for prioritizing the wellbeing of the people over personal power and for consistently warning his supporters against engaging in violence.

The group's media officer, Christy Sunday, lauded Governor Fubara as a man of peace, integrity, and good conscience, highlighting his achievements in providing good governance to the state in just one year in office.

Christy Sunday expressed gratitude to God for blessing Rivers State with a leader like Governor Fubara and pledged the group's continued support and prayers for him.

She emphasized the theme of the prayer session, "A Peaceful Rivers," as a reflection of the group's commitment to promoting peace and stability in the state for all its residents.

The women called for an end to the attempts to tarnish the state's reputation and disrupt the prevailing peace and harmony among its people.

The call for a ceasefire and peace comes at a crucial time for Rivers State, which has been marred by political tensions and violence in recent months.

The women's plea for unity and tranquility is a timely reminder of the importance of putting aside differences and prioritizing the wellbeing of the state and its citizens.

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