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There is nothing wrong in marrying a woman that is richer than you, Reno Omokri Advises Men

opera.com 2 days ago

Reno Omokri

In a recent Facebook post shared on Monday, July 1, 2024, former presidential aide Reno Omokri sparked a lively debate by challenging traditional gender roles in marriage, suggesting that men should be open to marrying women who are older, richer, and hold higher societal status.

Omokri asserted, "As a man, there is nothing wrong in marrying a woman that is richer than you, and has a higher status in society than yours."

He continued, emphasizing the importance of accepting a submissive role in such relationships without resentment later in life, noting, "You may be the titular head of the home, but you will not be the head of the house."

Drawing from historical and biblical examples to support his argument, Omokri cited the marriage of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

"Prince Philip agreed to be submissive and subservient to Princess Elizabeth," he noted, highlighting their long and happy 73-year marriage despite traditional expectations of male dominance.

Despite acknowledging the unconventional nature of such arrangements, Omokri stressed that mutual agreement and understanding are essential for marital harmony in these situations.

"As a man, you can submit to your wife, by agreement, and still be happy in the marriage," he advised.

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