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How to grow a pineapple at home

opera.com 1 day ago

How to grow pineapples at home in containers: From pineapple tops to sweet rewards

1. Container Selection: Choose a large container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, ideally a 5 gallon one.

2. Potting Mix: Use well-draining potting mix with organic matter, adding perlite or sand for better drainage.

3. prepare pineapple Tops: Twist off leafy crowns from ripe pineapples, ensuring no fruit flesh remains. Let them air dry for a few days.

4. Planting: Press the pineapple crown gently into the potting mix, ensuring its base is slightly above the soil level.

5. Water and Sunlight: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, placing the container in a sunny spot with 6-8 hours of sunlight.

6. Maintenance: Fertilize every 2-3 months with balanced fertilizer, and remove dead or yellowing leaves as needed.

7. Patience: Pineapples grow slowly and may take up to two years to fruit. Continue caring for the plant with regular watering, fertilizing, and sunlight.

8. Harvest: Once the pineapple matures and turns golden yellow, gently twist it off the plant. Cut off the leafy crown and enjoy your homegrown pineapple.

Follow these steps for a thriving pineapple plant in containers, and soon you'll be enjoying your own delicious harvest.

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