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Anti-Grazing: If you are an Igbo, Yoruba, you are free to establish business in north—Natasha Akpoti

opera.com 2024/9/29

Senator Natasha Akpoti has spoken on the controversies surrounding the anti-grazing bill. When asked why a lawmaker would compare cows to humans, she explained that there might be a misunderstanding. 

In a report recently shared by The Sun, Natasha clarified that the Nigerian constitution allows free movement of people and businesses across the country. She said this means that anyone, whether from the South, East, or North, can set up their business anywhere in Nigeria. She said herding cattle should be seen as an economic activity, just like farming rice, growing cassava, or fishing.

According to Akpoti, cattle herders should receive the same type of support and interventions that other farmers and fishermen get. She said this includes help and resources from the government to support their business.

In Natasha: "if you’re an Igbo man, or you are a Yoruba man from the South or East, you are free to establish a business in the northern part, or whichever it is, as you know, the whole argument is that herding cattle as you see should be looked at as an economic concern"

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