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But even when Shaibu, an accountant, went down fighting, he did not count himself out -Ogie Vasco

opera.com 4 days ago

According to the report from the Vanguard, The recent developments surrounding the former Deputy Governor of Edo State, Philip Shaibu, raise questions about his political future and the dynamics within the political landscape of the state. Shaibu's expulsion from the People's Democratic Party (PDP) has sparked speculation about his next steps and the implications of his rift with Governor Godwin Obaseki.

Shaibu, a former member of the House of Representatives and once a prominent figure within the PDP, was expelled along with two other officials for their alleged "anti-party activities." The decision to remove them from the party was based on accusations of openly supporting opposition candidates and affiliating with rival political groups.

The announcement of Shaibu's expulsion was made by Ogie Vasco, the Edo State PDP Publicity Secretary, signaling a significant shift in the party's internal dynamics. The move to oust Shaibu and his associates was seen as a preemptive measure to safeguard the party's interests ahead of the upcoming election.

Observers speculate that Shaibu's expulsion may be linked to his strained relationship with Governor Obaseki, which culminated in his removal from office by the Edo State House of Assembly. Despite this setback, Shaibu's resolve to remain politically active and his determination to continue his political journey remain unwavering.

Throughout the recent political turmoil, Shaibu's resilience and fighting spirit have not gone unnoticed. As a former leader of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) and a seasoned politician, Shaibu continues to demonstrate his tenacity and commitment to his cause. While his path forward may be uncertain, Shaibu remains undeterred in his pursuit of political relevance and the realization of his aspirations.

In the end, the unfolding political saga involving Shaibu and Governor Obaseki reflects a complex interplay of ambition, power dynamics, and ideological differences. As the political landscape in Edo State evolves, the ultimate outcome of this power struggle remains to be seen. Whether Shaibu's expulsion marks the end of his political career or the beginning of a new chapter, only time will tell.

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