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Diphallia: Baby is born with two penises but no anus

opera.com 3 days ago

According to a report by Vanguard on Monday, 1, 07, 2024, A baby has been born with two working penises but without an anus, a rare medical condition known as diphallia.

The Pakistani boy’s penises are reportedly 'normal-shaped', according to doctors who published the exceptionally rare case in a medical journal, as reported by MailOnline. The boy is able to urinate from both organs.

Doctors at Islamabad surgeons opted to leave both organs intact, creating an opening for stool passage through a colonoscopy.

Published in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, the medical team noted that diphallia occurs in approximately one in six million births, with only around 100 cases documented in medical literature, dating back to 1609.

The boy, born after 36 weeks, received treatment at the Children’s Hospital at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. His parents promptly brought him to the hospital’s emergency department after birth, despite no family history of birth defects.

During examination, doctors identified the absence of an anal opening and observed two well-formed penises, one measuring 1.5cm and the other 2.5cm. Scans further revealed a single bladder connected to two urethras, allowing urine to pass from both penises.

Following surgery, where surgeons redirected one end of his colon through an opening in the lower left abdomen, the boy was monitored for two days before being discharged with a follow-up appointment scheduled.

The cause of diphallia remains unclear, with no known single risk factor identified. The condition is believed to occur randomly during fetal development, resulting in either complete diphallia, where both penises are well-developed, or partial diphallia, where one penis may be smaller or deformed.

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