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Today's Headlines:Reps Write Tinubu, Demand Kanu’s Release, FIRS Files Charges Against Tax Evasion

opera.com 4 days ago

50 Reps write Tinubu, demand Nnamdi Kanu’s release

Photo credit: Vanguard Newspaper

Fifty members of the House of Representatives from different parts of Nigeria and political parties, known as Concerned Federal Lawmakers for Peace and Security in the South East, have appealed to President Bola Tinubu to invoke Section 174 of the Constitution of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) and Section 107(1) of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015 for the release of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, from detention.

The lawmakers made this appeal in a three-page letter signed by the lawmakers, dated June 19, 2024, and addressed to the President.

The lawmakers also appealed to President Tinubu to commence a presidential peace initiative to address all issues and challenges bedeviling the southeast region of Nigeria.

The signatories include Hon Obi Aguocha (Abia), Hon Ikenga Ugochinyere (Imo), Hon. Aliyu Mustapha (Kaduna), Hon Midala Balami (Borno), Hon Afam Ogene (Anambra), Hon. Abiante Awaji-Inombek (Rivers), Hon Dominic Okafor (Anambra), Hon Etanabene Benedict (Delta), Hon. Shehu Dalhatu (Katsina), Hon Chinedu Emeka Martins (Imo), Hon. Matthew Nwogu (Imo), Hon. Muhammed Buba Jagere (Yobe), Hon Peter Aniekwe (Anambra), Hon Koki Sagir (Kano), Hon Amobi Oga (Abia), Hon Gwacham Chinwe (Anambra), Hon Uchenna Okonkwo (Anambra), Hon. Abdulmaleek Danga (Kogi), Hon. Osi Nkemkama (Ebonyi), and others.

FIRS files charges against firm for tax evasion

Photo credit: Punch Newspaper

In a bid to strengthen tax compliance, the Federal Government has filed a six-count charge against Well Property Development Company Limited for tax evasion.

The Federal Inland Revenue Service filed the suit on behalf of the government, accusing the company of understating tax returns, false declaration of earnings, and failing to deduct and remit taxes.

Photo credit: Google

This is according to a document exclusively obtained by our correspondent on Sunday.

In the suit, the Federal Republic of Nigeria is listed as complainant, while Wells Property Development Company Limited is joined with nine individuals as defendants.

Rising food cost: Military’ll protect farmers to ensure successful farming season — DHQ

Photo credit: Vanguard Newspaper

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) said operational adjustments have been made by the military to prioritise protection of farmers to ensure a successful rainy season farming across the country.

The Director of Defence Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba, made this known while giving updates on the operations of the armed forces in Abuja.

Buba noted that the operations were part of efforts to address the security challenges that prevented farmers from going to the farms and resulted in high cost of foods in the country.

The Nigerian Army on Saturday said that its troops deployed in the North-east, in collaboration with Vigilante and Hybrid Forces, killed three terrorists, rescued kidnapped hostages, as well as recovered arms and ammunition, in a series of coordinated counter-terrorism operations.

Whitemoney in hot water after unpopular revelation

Photo credit: Vanguard Newspaper

Whitemoney raises alarm over level of deceit, betrayals he witnessed in 2 months

When you are a celebrity you can get away with many things. This must have been the thought on Hazel Oyeze Onou a.k.a Whitemoney’s mind when he revealed in a podcast interview about how he treats his staff. But he got it all wrong.

And hell was let loose on him faster than he could blink an eyelid.

The reality TV star told EchoRoom, a podcast that he pays his staff five years in advance in salary. As if that wasn’t worth gasping about enough he also claimed he has a staff strength of 150 people. Even the interviewer had to do a doubletake to keep a straight face.

His reason, “Yes it is true. I operate on that system because it helps me take my mind off things, because I’m a multi-versatile person, I do a lot of things and I can easily get carried away.”

Then he was asked how many staff members he has. He replied, “Currently 150.”

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