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INEC Publishes Final List Of Candidates For Ondo Governorship Election

opera.com 2024/6/26

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has published the final list of candidates for the upcoming governorship election in Ondo State, Nigeria. This list includes all the qualified candidates who will be contesting for the position of governor in the state.

The publication of the final list signifies the completion of the candidate nomination process and allows voters to know the options available to them in the upcoming election. It provides transparency and ensures that the electoral process is fair and inclusive.

According to INEC, a total of 17 candidates from various political parties have been cleared to participate in the Ondo State governorship election. The candidates represent a wide range of political parties, including the major ones such as the All Progressives Congress (APC), the People's Democratic Party (PDP), and the Social Democratic Party (SDP), among others.

With the publication of this final list, political campaigns are expected to intensify as candidates seek to convince voters of their suitability for the position of governor. The electorate will have the opportunity to assess the candidates' manifestos, past records, and proposed plans for the development of the state before making their decision on election day.

INEC has reiterated its commitment to conducting a free, fair, and credible election in Ondo State. The commission has assured stakeholders and the general public of its readiness to ensure a smooth electoral process and has called on all candidates and political parties to adhere to the rules and regulations governing the election.

In conclusion, the publication of the final list of candidates for the Ondo State governorship election by INEC is a significant step towards the conduct of a transparent and inclusive electoral process. It provides voters with the necessary information to make informed decisions and allows candidates to engage in campaigns to win the support of the electorate.

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