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So many people who helped me in critical times in my military career are non-Muslims -Sa'ad Abubakar

opera.com 3 days ago

In a rare and insightful interview with Channels TV, the Sultan of Sokoto, Brigadier General Sa'ad Muhammed Abubakar III (Retd), shared his remarkable 31-year military career, spanning from his early days at the Nigerian Defence Academy to his retirement on December 30, 2006.

As he reflected on his time in the military, General Abubakar emphasized the importance of unity and teamwork, despite the diversity that often characterizes Nigeria.

Throughout his career, General Abubakar worked alongside numerous officers, generals, and colonels from various parts of the country. What struck him as remarkable was the absence of regional or religious differences that could have potentially hindered their ability to work together effectively.

Instead, he found that many of those who came to his aid during critical moments in his military career were not Muslims.

One notable example was his close relationship with former Chief of Army Staff General Ogomudia. The two would often meet for tea when General Abubakar was traveling to Sokoto, with General Ogomudia's office serving as a welcome respite from the demands of military life.

Their friendship transcended denominational boundaries, with General Abubakar crediting General Ogomudia for being a trusted ally during challenging times.

"I was very close to General Ogomudia when he was chief of army staff," General Abubakar recalled. "I would often stop by his office to take tea whenever I was traveling to Sokoto. It's a testament to the power of unity and camaraderie that can exist despite our differences."

General Abubakar's words serve as a powerful reminder that even in the most challenging of environments, people from diverse backgrounds can come together to achieve great things.

His own life story is a shining example of what can be accomplished when we put aside our differences and focus on our shared humanity.