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Israeli Military Uncovers Tunnel Close to United Nations School, Dismantles Rocket Launcher in Rafah

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent operation in southern Gaza's Rafah, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) demolished a Hamas tunnel that ran adjacent to a United Nations school. The 500-meter-long tunnel, along with its branches, had an entrance situated near an UNRWA school.

According to Times of Israel, The discovery of the tunnel shafts was made by troops from the Negev Brigade, who then alerted the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit to conduct further inspections and demolish the tunnels. Concurrently, soldiers identified a Hamas facility in the vicinity containing at least nine rocket launchers, which was also dismantled by the military.

The IDF's actions in Rafah are part of a broader campaign to choke Hamas by blocking the Rafah border crossing with Egypt and destroying smuggling tunnels used to transport weapons into Gaza. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant emphasized that Hamas is struggling to withstand the pressure imposed by Israeli operations, with the group's capabilities severely restricted.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with thousands reported dead in Gaza and hundreds of Israeli troops casualties.

As the Rafah operation nears its conclusion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and military leaders are assessing the situation and planning for the next phase of the conflict.

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