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Here is What Happened in the Senate on Thursday Forcing Speaker Kingi to Adjourn House Abruptly

opera.com 4 days ago

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi was compelled to adjourn Thursday's session due to insufficient attendance.

The session, scheduled for 2:30 pm, saw only a few senators present, with the majority absent from Parliament Buildings.

Following protocol, the Speaker ordered the bell to be rung to summon any senators within the vicinity to the session, but the effort proved unsuccessful.

Shortly thereafter, Speaker Kingi announced the adjournment and stated that the Senate would reconvene on July 2.


“There being no quorum and having rung the bell pursuant to the provision of standing order 42, the Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday, July 2 at 2:30 pm,” the Speaker declared.

According to Senate standing orders, a minimum of 15 senators is required to form a quorum. Without this number, the session must be adjourned.

The senators were expected to debate various bills and motions tabled by different members during the session. This was the first time the Senate was convening following the breach of Parliament Buildings on Tuesday, June 25.

During that incident, parts of the building were damaged, including tables and chairs, although most of the chambers of the National Assembly and Senate were secured.

In a related statement, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula addressed reports that the House mace had been stolen by demonstrators, clarifying that the item taken was a dummy mace on display.

"While emphasizing the authority of the legislature as symbolized by the mace, he assured the House that the mace is always highly secured," the statement read.

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