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"Hii ni Noma Sana " Check Out What Goons Did To Massawe Jappani During Protests

opera.com 4 days ago

"Hii ni Noma Sana " Check Out What Goons Did To Massawe Jappani During Protests

The last two weeks have been chaotic as Kenyans especially the young generation came out in large numbers to demonstrate against passing of the finance bill, of which the president William Ruto bowed to the pressure and declared that he would not sign the bill . 

At least that eased the anxiety of Kenyans as their protests made the president to listen to them. However, today being the third week of protests something is not adding up since there are suspected goons who take advantage of the peaceful demonstrations to steal and destroy properties while harming the Protesters causing tension in various parts of the country.

Renowned media personality, radio presenter Massage Jappani also joined Kenyans in today's protests . Things were going well until she and other protesters were attacked by unknown goons , she posted some pictures on her Facebook stories showing where she was injured .She had a bruised hand and leg.She didn't give further information on what exactly happened. 

The mother of three showed solidarity participating in peaceful demonstrations but today was not a lucky day for her today,we wish her to get well soon and also urge the police to take necessary measures to capture and curb the goons tactics of hijacking peaceful demonstrations to harm and destroy properties.

Remember to pray for our country.Do you believe that there are goons hijacking peaceful demonstrations?

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