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Funke Akindele Reflects on Evolving Friendships and Life in the Limelight"

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent interview with Arise TV, actress and producer Funke Akindele delved into the topic of sustaining friendships and her evolving relationships with colleagues like Eniola Badmus and others.

When asked about how she navigates friendships amidst her rising fame, Akindele shared that her closest companions have always been her siblings. She clarified that while she maintains cordial relationships with acquaintances, she doesn't harbor deep connections due to her busy schedule. Instead, she values downtime spent indoors with her children and family, indulging in movies and quality time together.

Akindele emphasized her preference for a more low-key lifestyle, expressing her disinterest in attending parties and her focus on balancing her work commitments – running a studio, producing content for various platforms, and prioritizing time with her children.

Speaking specifically about her relationship with Eniola Badmus, Akindele highlighted their shared laughter and camaraderie, acknowledging that while their bond has shifted due to life's demands, she still cherishes their connection. Despite the busyness of their respective schedules, Akindele reiterated her fondness for Badmus and shared that they remain on good terms, alongside maintaining a cordial rapport with all colleagues in the industry.

In essence, Funke Akindele's candid revelations shed light on her approach to friendships, the importance of family, and the realities of maintaining relationships amidst a demanding career in the entertainment industry.

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