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Why This Powerful Female Cop Is The Woman To Watch After Her Quick Rise

opera.com 3 days ago

The traffic police unit commandant Mary Wangui Omari ( Photo Courtesy)

She is one of the most powerful female cops in the country today. In the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police, traffic police Commandant Mary Wangui Omari wields too much influence.

In the history of the traffic police, she is the second woman to serve as Commandant after Jacinta Muthoni Kinyua.

Omari succeeded long serving Samuel Kimaru who was moved. This means that she is now the engine running traffic police affairs across the country. This huge responsibility confirms the trust that her bosses have on her.

The traffic police boss had previously served as the Rift Valley Regional Traffic Police Commander. For years, she was the face of the traffic police activities in the expansive region.

After Rift Valley, she was moved to Tharaka Nithi as the new County Police Commander.

With her very fast rise in the police service, Omari is headed to greatness. She joins the team of other powerful female cops in the country, including Muthoni who is the director of personnel at police headquarters, and Rosemary Kuraru who is the director of human capital development at Vigilance House.

The traffic police chief Mary Wangui Omari in a recent meeting ( Photo Courtesy)

Could Omari rise through the ranks to become the future Deputy Inspector General of Police or even the Inspector General of Police?

The traffic police boss role could just be a stepping stone for her as she aims for something big in future. As such, she is the woman to watch in future police promotions and appointments.


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