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10 Clear Indicators That He Wants to Marry You

opera.com 1 day ago

Relationships are unique, and there are no sure signs that someone wants to marry, but there are some common signs that your partner is serious about a future together. 

Here are some signs that can help you figure out whether he wants to marry you.

1. He plans the future with you

If he's discussing 5-year plans with you, he's clearly serious about taking the next step. Partners do not share future plans unless they are passionate about their relationship.

2. He is vulnerable

If you observe him opening up more than usual and revealing his kind, vulnerable side, it's a clear indicator that he trusts you and sees you as a long-term friend and lover.

3. He is present through thick and thin

If he sticks by your side through thick and thin, that means he's the one. Not all partners will stay by your side during trying times.

4. He shares family details with you

If your partner tells you some really sensitive family information, he does so for a reason. It demonstrates that he is vulnerable and willing to devote himself to you.

5. He cares about your interests

If he asks about your career, friends, or hobbies, it implies he cares about you and wants to know what's going on in your life. This also provides an excellent means of communication. 

6. Sharing is caring

He does not mind sharing his belongings with you. He is eager to exchange personal or business-related details with you. Once he does this, be sure that he feels at ease with and trusts you.

7. He requests your opinion

He no longer keeps things in his thoughts and instead shares them with you. He is constantly eager to seek your advice on all of his affairs.

8. He believes in marriage

He expresses clearly where he stands on marriage. He wants you to know he believes in it, and that is a signal that he truly wants to marry you in the future (or very soon).

9. Aging Together

If he tells you how great it would be to grow old with him and encourages you to picture all the things you could do when you're older, he envisions himself marrying you.

10. He asks for your ring size

He might look for ways to figure out your ring size, since some partners are rather direct and may simply ask for the exact size. That's when you realize your relationship has advanced to the next level. 

Lastly, keep in mind that these are only basic signs that may differ from person to person. No one knows how long it takes a man to realize he wants to marry you, but once he does, he will do anything to keep you forever.


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