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How Tycoon Former MP Bounced Back In Style With Top Govt Job Even After Bitter Fallout With Ruto

opera.com 3 days ago

Former Kirinyagz Women Representative Purity Wangui Ngirici ( Photo Courtesy)

The bitter fallout between former Kirinyaga Women Representative Purity Wangui Ngirici and the then Deputy President William Ruto came as a surprise.

Ngirici enjoyed a very close political relationship with Ruto in the run up to the 2022 general election. In fact she was a founder member of the United Democratic Alliance, which helped to popularize in the Mount Kenya region.

But after Ruto made peace with Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru, things got tough for Ngirici who was sidelined from Ruto's inner circle.

And from there, Ngirici had to look for an escape Ruto in a bid to save her political career in her bid to Kirinyaga Governor seat. She unsuccessfully ran for the position on an independent party ticket but lost to Waiguru.

But a few months after the 2022 poll, she made peace with Waiguru, her erstwhile sworn political enemy.

Known for her deeper pockets, Ngirici carried extravagant campaigns when she was campaigning for the Governor seat. But did not stop her from losing to Waiguru who proved to be a hard nut to crack.

But suddenly, Ngirici was back in Ruto's political good books. And it is no surprising that she was picked for top government job as board chairperson of the Kenya Seed Company. It was a big win for the former MP as she quickly bounced back in style after that bitter fallout with Ruto.

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