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Charles Owino's Call for Enhanced Police Authority Empowering Law Enforcement

opera.com 3 days ago

In a recent statement, former Police Spokesperson Charles Owino emphasized the need to enhance police authority to effectively combat rising crime rates. Owino argued that in order to maintain law and order, it is crucial to empower law enforcement with the necessary tools and authority, a concept he referred to as giving police the "power to bite."

Owino's remarks come at a time when public concern over security is escalating. He highlighted that without adequate powers, the police are handicapped in their ability to deter and respond to criminal activities. He called for legislative support to implement stricter measures and enhanced capabilities for the police force.

Critics however warn that increasing police powers could lead to potential abuses and civil rights violations. They advocate for a balanced approach that ensures police accountability while addressing security concerns. Owino's statement has sparked a significant debate on how best to equip the police to handle crime while safeguarding citizens' rights.

As discussions continue, the challenge remains to find an equilibrium between empowering law enforcement and protecting civil liberties.

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