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"You Can Be Going Through Battles In Life And Yet God Is With You" - Prophet Joshua Iginla

opera.com 2 days ago

Prophet Joshua Iginla, the esteemed founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, recently shared an inspiring message on Facebook aimed at those facing difficult times. His words sought to provide comfort and reassurance to believers struggling with life's battles.

According to Prophet Iginla, the presence of painful situations in one's life does not signify the absence of God.

He emphasized that God's presence should not be measured by the presence or absence of challenges. "You can be going through battles in life and yet God is with you," he stated, underscoring that divine presence is not always accompanied by obvious signs.

Drawing from the biblical story of Gideon, Prophet Iginla illustrated his point. He recounted how Gideon questioned an angel about God's presence amid the suffering of his people, asking, "If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us?" Despite Gideon's doubts, he was later recognized as a "mighty man of valour" and led his people to victory. Iginla related this to contemporary struggles, urging believers to recognize that God is with them even when circumstances are dire.

"Just like Gideon, there are many people wondering if God is with them because of what they are going through," he noted. "Know it now: God is fully with you! He will bring you redemption that will terminate every frustration in your destiny."

Prophet Iginla also addressed the manipulations of the enemy, who may attempt to make individuals feel abandoned by God. However, he reassured his audience that such manipulations cannot alter God's plan for redemption.

He declared, "No one can stop God from moving you into the highest place of destiny fulfillment like He did to Gideon. You are a mighty man of valour in destiny, and God is right there with you even in your battles."

Concluding his message with a powerful prophecy, he proclaimed, "I prophesy, the presence of God in your life shall end the presence of painful situations and battles in your destiny. In Jesus' name."

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