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Good News To Peaceful Gen Z Protestors After Court Orders Police Not To Do The Following.

opera.com 4 days ago

Yesterday some of the Gen Z protestors took to the streets despite the fact that, the president withdrew the finance bill on Wednesday. This signals for some hidden agendas. You will agree with me that the finance bill was like an excuse to come out and start the demonstrations, but Kenyans have more reasons for their move. Therefore, our leaders should engage them to know what they want.

After a day of bloodshed infront of our parliament buildings, where police were forced to use live bullets to disperse crowds, the high court has revealed new directives. Following what kenyans.co.ke have tweeted on their Facebook page, they have indicated that, "High court bars police from using tear gas, water Cannons, bullets, crude weapons, arresting and deploying any form of violence against peaceful protestors." As quoted.

Having witnessed what police have been doing to protestors, what can you say about this. Drop your comment in the comment section below.

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