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Five Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Have Stomach Ulcer

opera.com 2 days ago

Stomach ulcer is a common disease, especially among students in Nigeria. According to WHO in 2020, 5,846 people died of stomach ulcer also known as Peptic Ulcer disease. The prevalence of both confirmed and unconfirmed cases of peptic ulcer disease is 43.2%. Ignorance is not an excuse. You may have been indulging in risky diet and practices as an ulcer patient, which may later result in the severity of this condition and even death. Below are a few things to avoid doing if you have peptic ulcer:

  1. Avoid Lime

Naturally, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid. Lime is highly acidic and when consumed, it increases your stomach acidity which may irritate your stomach. The acidity in lime may cause stomach discomfort, pain, flatulence, nausea and even vomiting. 

  1. Avoid Milk

 A lot of people are guilty of this. Whenever they are down with ulcer pain, they believe milk helps to soothe it. However, this has been proven to be wrong. Milk contains calcium which can stimulate the stomach to produce excess hydrochloric acid. Milk is also acidic. 

  1. Garri ( Cassava flakes)

  Garri is processed from cassava which contains cyanogenic glycoside. Cyanogenic glycoside releases cyanide which can be very toxic. This may cause harm to the stomach and cause acid reflux. The presence of cyanide may cause vomiting, and stomach upset. However, it is better advised to consult your dietitian to advise you on the best and moderate way to consume your cassava flakes without causing any harm to the body.

  1. Spicy And Peppery Meals

 Patients with stomach ulcers are best advised to stay away from peppery and spicy meals. This irritates the stomach lining and also causes heartburn. It is advised to take peppery and spicy food in moderation to avoid exacerbating the stomach condition.

  1. Avoid Caffeinated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola are very bad for the stomach. It contains caffeine which endangers and irritates the stomach. Caffeine stimulates acid production which increases the acidity in the stomach. Energy drinks, chocolate drinks, and caffeinated tea should be avoided. You should check the label of any brand of drink you intend to buy and check if it contains caffeine. You can also consult your dietitian on the safe drinks to consume.

When a stomach ulcer is not taken with care, it can lead to death. It is best to avoid it now. Prevention is better than cure. Remember, your health is your priority.

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