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Raila Odinga Gives Seven Directives To President Ruto's Government Claiming The Following During Pro

opera.com 2 days ago

After today's consultative meeting, in the midst of nationwide protests by young people, Raila has now made seven further requests of the government. Now, Raila is putting pressure on the political establishment to start listening to the public instead of just echoing their own opinions. According to Raila, this is Kenya's last best chance. The youth have given our country this chance, he claims, and we should either take it and run with it by putting all of their demands into practice, or we should disregard it and let the country fall completely.

Raila has insisted that complete accountability for all fatalities, injuries, and property damage resulting from the brutal suppression of nonviolent protests must fall on the Kenya Kwanza Regime. According to Raila, the President needs to openly order his security agencies to immediately stop the ongoing kidnappings, which are, we believe, being carried out with the full support of the State. "He must account for and order the release of all detainees abducted by his security agencies." According to ODM, the Independent Police Oversight Authority has been urged to speed inquiries into all of these occurrences, including claims that police in Githurai and Rongai committed mass murder.

According to Raila, Ruto is obviously completely unaware of the fact that, in our opinion, the events of June 25, 2024, amounted to a vote of no confidence in the regime. The ODM Party declares that it would back believable cuts in the government and legislature. Finally, the ODM Party has declared that, in view of the incumbent officials' persistent disregard for the electorate's preferences and their holy oath, they will launch and oversee recall procedures in the following constituencies: Gem, Bondo, Navakholo, Kajiado Central, Ikolomani, and Suba South. With s=19, this is https://x.com/K24Tv/status/1808100993910886420.

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