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Opinion: The reform Kenyans are agitating for

opera.com 2 days ago

Presidency comes and goes.

In this world we have crusaders, agitators and reformers, leaders, who by dint of their charm and charisma lead and guide their admirers and ardent followers to conquer terrains unforseen; who question and fight against ills in society, save mankind from the stranglehold of poverty, ignorance and disease; and the allure of corruption. The tragedy is, the victims are so entrenched in their 'Victimhood", remain encaptured and enslaved - and they love it! They are food to the captors.

Kenyans and other nationalities have for long fallen victims to this strange acceptance, courtesy of being panel beaten by bad leadership, unprincipled and unaccountable; pilfering national resources for personal gain. One man has become a constant in the struggle to create an environment within which good leadership can prevail. He is credited with the gains of the common Kenyan to have a voice in the affairs of state, through suffering and sacrifices. Many a pseudo fighter has given in to the dictates of corruption to join the bandwagon of the pilferers of state largesse.

Raila has remained constant in the struggle, and his principles are intact.Such a leader is rare in today's world and oftentimes, their worth is felt only after their departure from the stage.At the moment, Ruto must be very careful how he handles the enigma, knowing he has more than half the country at his beck and call, and keenly aware the election was not won fairly. With the wreckless and careless utterances coming from the President's camp, it's only a matter of time before the country implodes. God forbid such a thing to happen. There is a game being played by one Riggy G, a man so foul mouthed even some of his colleagues like Mudavadi and Weta may not be comfortable in their dockets. The man is in a campaign mode for 2027 and wants to be seen as the mount Kenya kingpin. I pity the Kikuyu if this is the man for a future presidency.

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