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Debunking the Myth: Why Garri Doesn't Cause Eye Problems

opera.com 2 days ago

Garri, a popular staple in many West African countries, is made from cassava roots that are dried, ground, and fermented It is a versatile food that can be eaten as eba, or used as a base for dishes like garri soakings. However, there is a common misconception that consuming garri can lead to eye problems, particularly cataracts. In this article, we will explore why this myth is unfounded and why garri does not cause eye problems.

One of the main reasons behind the belief that garri can cause eye problems is the misconception that consuming garri, which is high in cyanogenic glycosides, can lead to cyanide poisoning. Cyanogenic glycosides are naturally occurring compounds found in cassava that can release cyanide when consumed in large amounts. However, the processing methods used to make garri, such as soaking, fermenting, and drying, significantly reduce the cyanide content to safe levels. Properly processed garri is safe to consume and does not pose a risk of cyanide poisoning.

Furthermore, cassava itself is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and minerals such as potassium and manganese. These nutrients are beneficial for overall health and do not have any direct link to eye problems. In fact, vitamin C, in particular, is known to contribute to eye health by helping to prevent age-related macular degeneration.

It is also important to note that cataracts, a common eye condition characterized by clouding of the eye's lens, are primarily caused by aging, genetics, and other factors such as smoking, obesity, and exposure to UV radiation. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming garri, within reasonable amounts, can lead to the development of cataracts or any other eye problems.

Additionally, the belief that garri can cause eye problems may stem from the misconception that poor nutrition can negatively impact eye health. While it is true that a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is important for overall health, including eye health, there is no direct link between consuming garri and experiencing eye problems.

In conclusion, the myth that garri can cause eye problems is unfounded and based on misinformation. Consuming properly processed garri in moderation as part of a balanced diet is safe and does not pose a risk to eye health. So, the next time you enjoy a bowl of garri soakings or a refreshing glass of garri drink, rest assured that you are not putting your eyes at risk.

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