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Military prioritizes farmers protection

opera.com 2024/7/2

In response to ongoing security challenges hindering farming activities and contributing to high food costs, Nigeria's Defence Headquarters (DHQ) has announced strategic military adjustments aimed at prioritizing the protection of farmers for a successful rainy season across the country. Major General Edward Buba, Director of Defence Media Operations, emphasized intensified efforts by the armed forces to enhance intelligence gathering and execute targeted operations against terrorist groups nationwide.

Recent military operations yielded significant results: over 220 terrorists neutralized, 395 suspects apprehended, and 202 kidnapped hostages rescued in the span of a week. The recovered arsenal included a variety of weapons and ammunition, underscoring the military's commitment to dismantling terrorist infrastructure.

In the North-east, Operation Hadin Kai led to the neutralization of 83 terrorists, while Operations Safe Haven and Whirl Stroke in the North-central resulted in the neutralization of 37 insurgents and rescue of 113 hostages. Operations Hadarin Daji and Whirl Punch in the North-west similarly neutralized 78 terrorists and rescued 68 hostages. These operations have underscored the armed forces' determination to tackle insurgency and restore peace across different regions.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Army reported successful operations in Borno, Benue, and Kogi States, which included ambushes resulting in terrorist casualties, rescue of hostages, and recovery of arms. Additionally, collaboration with local vigilantes and hunters proved instrumental in countering kidnappings and disrupting criminal activities in rural areas.

In tandem with these efforts, the Special Adviser to the President on Information and Strategy, Mr. Bayo Onanuga, urged Nigerians to embrace subsistence farming to mitigate food scarcity challenges. Reflecting on past agricultural initiatives, he assured that ongoing governmental investments in agriculture would yield positive results in the coming months despite prevailing economic difficulties.

General Christopher Musa, Chief of Defence Staff, commended the media for its support in reporting military operations accurately and highlighted the pivotal role of information dissemination in enhancing national security.

In conclusion, the Nigerian military's recent operations demonstrate a robust commitment to combating terrorism, securing communities, and supporting agricultural activities essential for national food security. The government's comprehensive approach, encompassing military operations and agricultural initiatives, aims to alleviate economic hardships and foster stability across the nation.

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