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He is the only person who can bring us out of the pit left by past administrations- Tersoo David

opera.com 4 days ago

Tersoo David recently expressed strong support for President Tinubu, emphasising his unique ability to lead Nigeria out of the difficult situation left by previous administrations. According to David, the challenges facing the nation are significant, but he believes that Tinubu possesses the necessary vision and determination to bring about meaningful change. David's confidence in Tinubu's leadership highlights a critical juncture in Nigeria's political and economic landscape.

David stated unequivocally that "He is the only person who can bring us out of the pit left by past administrations," reflecting his deep faith in the President's capabilities. He believes that despite the failures of former leaders, Tinubu's approach and efforts are setting a new course for the country. This perspective sheds light on the importance of steadfast leadership in times of crisis.

"He has never complained about the former president, but I know the previous administration failed woefully. Despite that, he is doing his best. I am convinced he can make Nigeria the most attractive business destination. That is why I am spending my resources to support this cause," David explained. His commitment to supporting Tinubu's vision underscores the necessity of collective effort and belief in transformative leadership.

David further elaborated on the practical challenges faced by the administration. "The President is not in denial about the difficulties; he is doing his best. The effects might not be immediately visible, but efforts are being made. Let me give you another example: the roads are in terrible condition. If a truck moves from Medre to Onicha, the transportation costs are exorbitant, which affects the prices of goods. This is not the President's fault alone; governors also have responsibilities." His comments highlight the complexity of governance and the need for coordinated efforts at all levels of government to address infrastructural and economic issues.

David's insights reflect a broader sentiment of cautious optimism, urging Nigerians to recognise the ongoing efforts and support the President's initiatives. By rallying behind Tinubu's leadership, David believes that Nigeria can overcome its current challenges and emerge as a thriving, attractive business destination.

Watch the video from 14:08

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