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Fresh Demand To President Ruto Ahead Of Meeting With Gez Z

opera.com 3 days ago

Public anger erupted in protests across the country, giving President William Ruto a big opportunity to make important changes in his government, say politicians and analysts.

Most of the protesters are young people from Generation Z. They are very unhappy with the government, which they see as incompetent and uncaring. They also believe the public services are failing.

The protesters have several demands. They want major changes in the country, such as dissolving the Cabinet and cutting the salaries of top state officials.

They are also calling for a tough fight against corruption and significant cuts in government spending.Additionally, there are calls to merge the 51 state departments to reduce the wage bill for principal secretaries.

Protesters want government officers to be hired based on their skills and competence, not based on who they know or other unfair criteria.

Some of Ruto's allies, including Members of Parliament (MPs), have also supported these demands for major reforms.The public protests highlight a deep frustration with the current state of governance.

Many young people feel that the government is not listening to their needs or addressing their concerns. They are calling for immediate and effective changes to improve the country's governance and economy.

This situation offers President Ruto a unique chance to respond to the public’s demands and make significant changes.

By listening to the voices of the protesters and acting on their demands, he can show that his administration is committed to good governance and fighting corruption.

This could also help restore public trust in the government.Reforming the government and making it more efficient and less corrupt could benefit the country in many ways.

It could lead to better public services, more job opportunities, and a stronger economy. It could also create a fairer and more just society where everyone has an equal chance to succeed based on their abilities.

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