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"The day Igbo man is given presidency, that's the day Nigeria will be better" -Kanayo O. Kanayo

opera.com 2 days ago

Well-known actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has shared his opinions about the life changing influence an Igbo person could have as Nigeria's president concerning Nigeria's economic development.

During an interview with Nigerian comedian Nedu Ani on "The Honest Bunch Podcast," Kanayo underlined how the change in leadership might significantly transform the country and lead to a huge increase in economic prosperity.

Kanayo emphasised that an Igbo presidency might represent a turning point in Nigerian history, one that would unleash the nation's untapped potential and usher in a period of significant advancement and growth.

He is inexorable that this shift in the country's leadership would spur economic development and usher in an era of extraordinary expansion and wealth.

Kanayo discussed his idea of an Igbo president bringing about a revolutionary period in Nigeria during the podcast.

He predicted that the country's economic situation will change, bringing about widespread affluence and a booming economy.

Kanayo believed that the election of an Igbo president would be a watershed moment that would usher in a wealthy new era for Nigeria.

During the podcast, Kanayo not only talked on the possible effects of an Igbo presidency, but he also discussed his opinions on marriage and religion.

He spoke that monogamy is not ingrained in his culture, he implied that it is a modern idea shaped more by outside forces than by cultural norms.

Additionally, he voiced worries about the detrimental effects that religion may have on society, pointing out that it occasionally impedes advancement and social cohesiveness.

"The day you give an Igbo man the presidency in this country is the day Nigeria will realise why it is Nigeria," declared Kanayo. People will start to rejoice.

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