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PDP2027: Whoever's contesting should come from the South and lets see What'll happen–Tajudeen Yusuf

opera.com 3 days ago

In a recent interview with The Sun, former lawmaker Tajudeen Yusuf, who represented Kabba/Bunu Ijumu Federal Constituency in the Ninth Assembly, issued a stern warning to Peter Obi, the Labour Party presidential candidate in 2023. Yusuf cautioned Obi against aligning with Atiku Abubakar for the 2027 presidential race, stating that such a move would be detrimental to Obi's political ambitions. Yusuf's warning reflects the complex dynamics and alliances that are beginning to shape the political landscape ahead of the next presidential election.

Yusuf also addressed the future of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), emphasizing the need to rectify past wrongs to regain power. He pointed to what he described as an "injustice" in 2015 when the presidency did not transition to the South after President Muhammadu Buhari's eight-year tenure. According to Yusuf, restoring power to the South is crucial for the PDP to restore internal harmony and present a unified front in the 2027 elections. His comments underscore the ongoing debate within the PDP about zoning and equitable representation in Nigeria's political framework.

In his critique of President Bola Tinubu's first year in office, Yusuf was notably harsh, rating the administration's performance as below average. He singled out the controversial policy on fuel subsidy removal as a major misstep that has significantly impacted the country's economy and populace. Yusuf's evaluation of Tinubu's tenure thus far reflects widespread dissatisfaction and raises questions about the administration's ability to deliver on its promises.

Looking ahead to the 2027 elections, Yusuf stressed the importance of equity and justice within the PDP. He argued that for the party to regain credibility and support, it must ensure that the next presidential candidate hails from the South. Yusuf called on PDP leaders to demonstrate patriotism and integrity, even when it conflicts with personal ambitions, to achieve a fair and just political process. His remarks highlight the critical need for unity and strategic decision-making within the PDP as it seeks to challenge the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the upcoming electoral battle.

He said: You can’t satisfy everybody, but let it be seen that equity is displayed. Buhari has done eight years, the presidency should have gone to the South, if they had done that, it would have reduced all these skirmishes in the party. Whoever is contesting the 2027 election should come from the South and let’s see what will happen. But if we do not do that, we are still hiding behind one finger, pretending if they zone to the Southeast, I will not contest, we are only deceiving ourselves. The mark of a good leader, the mark of a respected patriot is that even when it does not fit or suit your desire, but because the right thing is to be done, you allow it to be. So men and women should rise to the responsibilities of showing character in the PDP.

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