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BREAKING: Tension Standoff, Armed Military Officers on Standby as Nairobi Braces for Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

The military personnel have been deployed in Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi to be at standby in case the protests occur as is expected. Military trucks were seen driving to the area in the morning, officers were spotted standing outside the facility supposedly awaiting for briefing for deployment in case of need.

Some of the concerns arising from military deployment include: Military presence has therefore thrown the government strategy regarding handling of the impending demonstrations into a dilemma. In a similar manner, today’s protests saw military patrols throughout the city; however, it is uncertain if it will continue like last week.

In a Sunday roundtable at State House with the Head of State, William Ruto promised military deployment that will not be dictated by the act of protesting but the nature of the protest.

Recall the President’s comment: ‘If the demonstrations do not turn violent, there will be no need to employ officers on the streets. ’ The stance reiterates a cautious, even conservative approach to the policing of demonstrations.

The on standby status of the military has led to further discussion on the role of force in dealing with civil disturbance.

Opponents of this practice are convinced that the military presence could provoke an escalation of protests, while champions of the same believe that it is a security measure needed to prevent protesters from looting businesses and other properties.

The local authorities have encouraged people to take part in the protests legally and in a peaceful manner, stating firmly that activists who engage in acts of violence or vandalism will face prompt consequences.

On the other hand, the protest has seen various conveners urging their followers to exercise restrain and abide by the constitution of the country nonviolently. While citizens in Nairobi rush to make preparations for the disturbances, trading centers and learning institutions in the areas likely to be affected are keeping an eye on the situation.


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