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Here Is The Only Way You Can Remove Me From Power, President Ruto Answers Kenyans On Television

opera.com 2 days ago

Yesterday was a very important day for Kenyans since the president had invited the press to talk and discuss issues affecting Kenya to take Kenya ahead.

Three journalists were representing Kenyans before the president by asking for and verifying important information from the president about the well-being of the country.

A lot of questions trying to find where the country is headed were asked and responded to by the president. Still, on the same, the journalist insisted that the Kenyans had sent them with a message of no confidence in Ruto's government."Kenyans are not believing what you are saying, they say you always promise but do nothing", Linus kai kai said the president.

The Journalist also informed the president that Kenya had shown tiredness in his government and was threatening to remove him from office. The president showed no disturbance of the information but rather informed Kenyans about the two was he knows Kenyans can remove him from office."If you want to remove the president of Kenya from office there is how you do it. Either you wait for an election or you do whatever the construction provides for." Ruto said.


In conclusion, the president said he had no issue with what Kenyans wanted to do concerning him. According to the president's sentiment on Kenyans removing him from office, what is your view?

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