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Senator Aliero Opposes Restrictions on Herder Movement, Cites Right to Freedom of Movement

opera.com 2024/6/25

According to the Daily Post, Senator Adamu Aliero, representing Kebbi Central Senatorial District, has expressed his opposition to proposed measures aimed at restricting the movement of herders and their cattle between states. In an interview with Arise TV, Aliero emphasized the importance of unimpeded movement for herders to conduct their business activities effectively.

Aliero said, "It's not merely about creating ranches; it pertains to the broader scope of conducting business. Spare parts vendors freely traverse Nigeria without any disruptions. Imposing limitations on herders would encroach upon their fundamental right to move freely. Herders rely on moving alongside their livestock, which represent their merchandise."

Aliero's comments come as the Nigerian government considers measures to address the ongoing clashes between herders and farmers. He argues that this would infringe upon their right to freedom of movement and hinder their ability to conduct business.

He also suggests that individuals or state governments should establish ranches, as they are better equipped to manage such ventures, and believes this approach would help address the ongoing conflicts while also respecting the rights and livelihoods of herders.

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