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Suspect Arrested in Nairobi After He Was Found in Possession of Bhang Worth 600000 Shillings

opera.com 4 days ago

A suspect has been arrested by police officers in Nairobi after he was found in possession of bhang worth 600000 shillings. The suspect was transporting the illicit drug in his vehicle along the Eastern Bypass when he was apprehended.

Solomon Mutuma was arrested and taken into police custody. The illicit drug was seized and will be presented in court as evidence. The suspect has recorded a statement with the police regarding the matter.

The suspect is part of a criminal gang that has been operating in Nairobi for a long time. The criminals have been involved in drug trafficking for many years. They have been transporting the illicit drug in different parts of the country for many years.

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations have launched investigations into the mysterious incident. Several people have recorded statements with the police regarding the matter. They are determined to locate more suspects involved in the illegal trade.

The government is determined to deal with drug trafficking in the country. A special team of police officers has been formed to disrupt the supply of illicit drugs in the country. They are working together with other security agencies to deal with the matter.

Many young people in the country have been suffering due to drug addiction. Several young people have become addicted to illicit drugs in the last few years. They have been suffering from different health conditions as a result of the drug addiction. The government is keen on stopping drug trafficking in Kenya.


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