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Current Situation as Businesses Remain Closed in Nairobi and other Parts of the Country

opera.com 4 days ago

Most businesses remain closed in the CBD, and people continue to stand by and watch to see what will happen later. The military is yet to be spotted on the streets of Nairobi but remains assembled in Nyayo Stadium - their center of operation for now.

There is still a reduced flow of traffic along Thika Road this morning. Several lorries carrying KDF officers have been spotted heading to the CBD, with another lorry going to Thika.

Heavy police presence within Nairobi CBD ahead of planned antigovernmental protests; anti-riot police conduct patrols, and secure crucial government buildings as most roads deserted.

Gen Z is fighting for the soul of the Nation. Kenya must be liberated from the tyranny and its bad governance, over-taxation, wastage, corruption, and impunity. Never have Kenyans been so angry at the continued attempt to silence them despite being protected by one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. The killing of innocent peaceful protesters and the continued abduction of youth and student leaders as well as arbitrary arrests point to a TYRANT who does not value the lives of Kenyans or their democratic rights.

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