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Atiku needs to be told that the return of Tinubu in 2027 is not negotiable, Group

opera.com 3 days ago

The Disciples of Jagaban, a support group for Bola Tinubu, have expressed their unwavering commitment to Tinubu's return in 2027, stating that it is a non-negotiable fact known to all major opposition politicians.

This came In response to Atiku's reported visits to former military President Ibrahim Babangida, the group's National Coordinator, Comrade Abdulhakeem Adegoke Alawuje, criticized Atiku's actions as a futile pursuit lacking in realism and warned him against embarking on yet another disappointing journey.

Alawuje emphasized that political power is bestowed by God and cannot be obtained through manipulative strategies employed by individuals, subtly cautioning Atiku and his team against misleading the citizens.

According to The Nation, Group said, “Atiku needs to be told that this is an undisputed fact, with all the major opposition politicians fully aware that the return of Tinubu in 2027 is not negotiable.

Atiku’s latest romance with the former presidents is a vein pursuit of the surreal, an unrealistic endeavor for which Nigerians are there to tell him the bitter truth, the necessity for him not to embark on another fruitless journey that would certainly end in another disappointment.

Obviously, Atiku and his handlers have forgotten that power comes only from God and not through the manipulative tendencies of individuals even as they try to mislead the citizens.”

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